Why I Started Drinking Liquid Chlorophyll
Denise Vasi
Is chlorophyll good for you? That is the big question surrounding this supplement. Most of us know that chlorophyll is what gives plants their beautiful green color. It plays an essential role in photosynthesis, allowing plants to convert sunlight into energy but how beneficial is chlorophyll in supporting your health? Chlorophyll has many benefits, so let’s get right into it.
Benefits of Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll, dubbed “green blood” due to its similar molecular structure to human blood, is packed with antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. If you’re a lover of raw (or lightly-cooked) dark green, leafy vegetables, then you are probably getting your fair share of natural chlorophyll. For me, eight years ago I was consistently on-the-go and was not eating a plant-based diet. When a blood test revealed I was iron deficient I decided, with the advice of my doctor, to add an iron supplement in combination with liquid chlorophyll (chlorophyllin) to my diet to increase my red blood cells. My numbers eventually went up and my love for liquid chlorophyll remained.
Below are three reasons I started and continue to drink liquid chlorophyll.

Helps to Treat Anemia
Chlorophyll has many benefits. Chlorophyll is believed to increase red blood cells in our body and aid in blood cell regeneration by helping the cells carry more oxygen. Adding liquid chlorophyll to your diet when another source of supplemental iron is present produces far better results in treating anemia because it naturally boosts your iron stores.
May Fight Cancer Cells
When your body’s pH is more acidic, you are more likely to get sick or develop an infection. An alkaline body pH helps to prevent sickness and disease. Liquid chlorophyll is an effective way to reduce acidity. Research also suggests that an acidic body pH can lead to cancer. Both natural chlorophyll and chlorophyllin have the ability to attach to heavy toxic metals and carcinogens (substances capable of causing cancer in living tissue), preventing the digestive system from absorbing them and aiding in their elimination, thus possibly preventing and blocking certain cancers.
High Levels of Vitamins & Minerals
Chlorophyll is full of fatty acids, as well as magnesium, iron, calcium, and potassium, which is a reason Chlorophyll benefits you. It’s also a great source of vitamins A, C, K, E and beta-carotene, which are all vital in maintaining a healthy immune system. Of course, the best source of chlorophyll comes from whole foods like spinach, arugula, and other deep-green leafy vegetables.
How to Get More Chlorophyll in Your Diet
To consume the most chlorophyll, eat your veggies raw or lightly steamed, as cooking them can decrease their levels of chlorophyll. If you do choose to supplement, liquid chlorophyll (this is the one I use) isn’t your only option; tablet and powder form are also available. The caveat here is that tablets and powders aren’t as easily (or quickly) absorbed as liquid chlorophyll. Unless you absolutely can’t stomach the taste of liquid chlorophyll, I recommend buying it in this form.
The easiest ways to take liquid chlorophyll as a supplement is to add it to your water or make yourself an Energy-Boosting Green Chlorophyll smoothie. There are also some wonderful clean beauty brands using chlorophyll as an ingredient in their skin care products.
*Chlorophyll may increase sun sensitivity for some users. These statements are based on the personal benefits I saw while taking this under the direction of my physician. As always, consult with your physician before adding supplements into your diet, and be sure to read the instructions thoroughly before use.