A Two-Day Deep Cleaning Plan to Overhaul Your Home
Depending on whether or not you have children, one of two things has happened during the pandemic: either your house is spotless because you’re home all the time with nothing to do or it’s a disaster 24/7 because you’re juggling work, kids, remote learning, and attempting not to lose your mind in the process. I definitely fall into the latter category—things have been rough around here, but spring has me in the mood for a good deep cleaning.
The Maed Two-Day Deep Cleaning Plan
This deep cleaning plan works best if you complete our two-day home organization plan first. Organize your house one weekend, then do the deep cleaning the next. Although each plan is designed to be done in two days, if devoting four whole days to cleaning is too much to handle right now (I get it!), both plans can be easily broken down room-by-room. Even spending 30 minutes a day checking tasks off the list will get you there eventually!
Of course, it’s one thing to get your house clean. It’s another to keep it clean. This checklist also includes a schedule to help you keep things up. Bonus points if you can enlist your kids in helping you out.
Have you ever heard the saying, “eat the frog”? Yes, it’s totally gross, but it means get the thing you most dread doing out of the way. That’s why we’ve put cleaning the kitchen first—once you tackle that, cleaning the rest of your house will feel like a breeze in comparison.
Living Room
The living room doesn’t require all that much work, making it perfect for pairing with the more labor-intensive task of cleaning the kitchen. You can add any other common areas of the house here, too—the dining room, family room, foyer, etc.
Whole House
The tasks listed here can be done on both Saturday and Sunday as you go from room to room. Basically, these are all of the things that need to be done in all (or most) of the rooms in your home.
Bathrooms also fall into the “eat the frog” category, although usually they’re not quite as bad as the kitchen! Once your bathrooms are impeccably clean, it’s easy to keep up with them by setting aside a little bit of time each week to clean the toilets, sinks, tubs, and showers. Bathrooms are only a lot of work when you don’t stay on top of them with a regular deep cleaning schedule.
When you’re doing the bare minimum to keep things clean, bedrooms usually fall to the wayside—especially your own. After all, if someone comes over, you can close the bedroom doors, but you can’t do that with the kitchen or living room! Once your weekend of deep cleaning is complete, your bedroom will go from chaos to calming retreat, where you can recharge after a long day of wrangling kiddos and Zoom meetings that really could have just been emails.
If you haven’t already printed out our home organization plan, go grab it so you can tackle all of your spring cleaning in two weekends! We’ll also be sharing our favorite spring cleaning essentials in an upcoming post.