I Tried Curl Smoothie, A New Superfood Inspired Product for Curly Hair
Denise Vasi
Finding the right product for your hair is a game-changer, especially when you have curly hair. You want a product that has the strength to hold your curls but not weigh your hair down. You want bounce without causing shrinkage and definition without frizz. And because curly hair dries out faster than straight hair, curly gals want to be sure their products are free of sulfates. Sulfates are known to strip the hair of its natural oils and leave you with extra dry and brittle locks.
Last but not least, you want a product that you can afford and a product that you can find easily—let’s be honest, there’s nothing worse than falling in love with something and then having the most difficult time trying to find a replenishment. Enter Hair Food’s Curl Defining Smoothie.
Hair Food’s Philosophy
Hair Food’s philosophy is that what you put on your hair is as important as what you eat. It’s imperative to avoid using additives in our beauty products, the same way avoiding unhealthy foods is crucial to our overall health. Their mango and aloe curl defining smoothie is inspired by a recipe you might find in the kitchen, and the custard-like product is sulfate, paraben, dye, and mineral oil-free. Yay!
Mango and Aloe Curl Defining Smoothie
The Curl Defining Smoothie is my current go-to when I want a wash-and-go look. I like that I don’t need to use a ton of product to get the result I want—I use just a quarter-sized amount. Depending on your curl pattern, porosity, density, and length of hair, anywhere from a nickel to half-dollar size should be enough.

How I Use It
After I wash my hair with Hair Food’s Coconut & Chai Spice Sulfate-Free and Dye Free Nourishing Shampoo, I condition with Hair Food Coconut & Chai Spice Nourishing Conditioner, and then I apply the Curl Defining Smoothie to sections of my hair, while it’s still very wet. I work the product from the root to my ends using the finger combing method—the mango and aloe smoothie coats my curls without weighing them down. Then I let my hair air dry for as long as possible. I do experience some gel cast, but it’s just enough to help keep my curls defined and frizz-free. Creating a gel cast is also the best technique for my hair when I want to wash and go. Once my hair is completely dry, I scrunch out the excess product. I’m left with beautiful, defined, frizz-free curls without having to use several different products and without applying any heat to my hair.
Price Point and Accessibility
I love that these Hair Food’s products are affordable, accessible, and free of sulfates, parabens, dyes, and mineral oils. Their Curl Defining Smoothie’s price tag can’t be beat and you can easily order it online via Amazon or find it at Target.